After that incident I came across an interesting fact which states that the most sense connected to memory is the sense of smell. And a new weapon was invented in my head.. The scent of a woman!
To all the single ladies out there, you need to throw all your perfume bottles and prepare yourselves for the 'forget me not' weapon search. Your scent is what a man will remember to the rest of his life.. whenever he smells any lady wearing the same perfume as yours it will bring back your image in his mind, but how would he recognize your scent after years pass by if you wear twenty different perfumes!!! Don't give me the excuse of having a light one for the morning and a heavier one for the evening because its lame.. what is worse is the ones you specify according to seasons and occasions.
Prepare yourselves ladies to go perfume shopping this weekend, but first you need to make an oath to stick to that one perfume that you will pick for at least three years.
Make an event out of it, dress up nicely and look your best. Take your best friend with you and believe in how important that mission of your is. Here are a few tips on how to find your 'forget me not' scent:
- Test the perfumes on your skin not on tissues or paper, the oils in the perfume reacts with your skin which makes the same perfume smells different from one person to another.
- Test maximum four different perfumes and go home.. after couple of hours resmell them on your skin.
- Avoid very heavy or very light perfumes, pick a scent that represents your character.. Try the brands that are not very well known like the boutique brands instead of the very famous ones since they may have a less commercial feel to them.
- Don't try just the new perfumes, journey back and try different old ones.. who said perfumes get outdated!
- Pick three favourites and then research the perfume online.. you will be shocked to know there is an interesting story behind each one.. Who the nose is ( the person who invented it), what notes does it have (notes are the combination of scents they mix together), and how did that nose got inspired to blend those certain notes together... you will have more connection with your perfume once you knew the story behind it!!